Goals for Renewal
Happy New Year!
Welcome to 2022 and a new commitment to being whole. I’m not going to lie and say I’m not one of those resolution-setting people, because I totally am. I’m a goal-setter and for me it doesn’t matter when I do it. But I thought the top of the year a good time to help you focus on getting to renewal if that’s one of your goals this year or beyond.
Start with Acceptance
I just posted about this on social media as well as a previous blog, but I wanted to break it down just a little more so you can understand why beginning your healing journey with acceptance is a solid foundation. Well, a part of acceptance is acknowledgment. That’s right, you have to say there’s an issue before you can address one. Acknowledgment pulls you out of denial so you’re ready to tackle whatever it is that’s causing stress. In our case it’s the relationship with our mother. Sometimes just looking a problem dead in the face is the best way to set a goal for solving it.
In my post, I said “Acceptance of others means you’ve decided to no longer argue with fools.” That’s key because it means you will not continue wasting energy trying to change your mother or anyone else, for that matter. Instead you can put that energy into managing your own emotions and seeking things that elevate you and make you feel whole. Once you decide to do that, it will literally change your life! Now, you’re focused on yourself and what you need. In this way, acceptance is a powerful jump starter to your healing.
However, there is a key point to clear up when it comes to acceptance. Acceptance can have multiple meanings which depend on the situation. When it comes to healing acceptance doesn’t mean you agree with your mother’s behavior or treatment. In fact in our healing scenario acceptance means a willingness to deal with something unpleasant. I would say not having the love, support, or guidance from the very person who’s tasked with doing that for you, is “something unpleasant.” And the sooner you accept her for who she is, the sooner you can set goals that work toward making yourself whole.
Let’s be brave and go for it this year! Wishing you prosperity, hope, and healing in 2022.